about me

Hailing from an Asian American suburb, Goz is a songwriter that understands narrative. While keeping the pace and feel of a top 40 track, Goz has received notable acclaim as an experienced lyricist, amplifying unique perspectives for a global audience.
Recently, Goz has ventured into the international scene, placing numerous tracks with A-list artists in China while beginning to pitch to K-Pop and LA as well. At Berklee College of Music, Goz placed 2nd in the prestigious 'Songs 4 Social Change' competition. He also leads the Billboard Hot 100 Club, the college's largest student-run organization. His song 'Get Me Out of Here' has also reached Honorary Mention status, top 2% out of 14k+ songs submitted in ISC's 2023 competition.
Goz enjoys tackling various genres in the pop sphere. Specializing in narratives around love, self empowerment and mental health, he excels in Dance, Ballad, and Electronic sides of the pop umbrella. He continues to expand his repertoire across genres despite this, following an inner need to make music that feels "right".